Friday, July 6, 2012

Refrigerator and Freezer Maintenance

Spring comes late where I live, in northwest Wisconsin on the tip of Lake Superior.
So, it can be as late as June before I get around to all the spring chores.

Even when I have a busy schedule, I still take the time to upkeep my appliances.
I've found summer to be an ideal time to tune up my various refrigeration units.

Maintaining your refrigerator and freezer will play an important role in their efficiency and longevity;
additionally it is fairly quick and simple. No matter where you live or what season you are in;
perform these easy maintenance measures twice a year and rest easy.

Maintenance Checklist

  • Check The Seals

  • Cracking, tearing and collapsed areas are all trouble.
    Small cracks and tears can be patched with clear silicone.
    Larger ones may require seal replacement.
    For collapsed areas, a hair dryer works wonders to soften the seal.
    Additionally it causes the magnet to revert back into its original shape.

    To perform this fix, heat the seal with the door closed,
    being careful to keep the dryer moving so it doesn't melt the seal!
    Let it cool before reopening.

    Some chest freezer seals are not magnetic, so a collapsed area can be a bit more tricky.
    I like to stuff some play-doh or silly-putty inside the seal area to force it back into shape.
    Heating it while stuffed and then letting it cool may allow you to get the kids' play-doh back out afterwards!

  • Clean The Coils

  • Clean the coils under or behind your units with a coil brush, duster or rag on a stick.
    Keeping a vacuum running while doing this would be wise as it can be a bit messy.
    This really extends appliance life, as the coils are where all the heat goes from inside!

    Clean the inside with a mild soap solution and toss that old casserole out or cook it!
    This cleaning is a great time to reassess what you really never eat and quit buying it.
    It is also a good reminder time to rotate the old stuff to the top or front.

  • Defrost Your Freezer(s)

  • To quickly and effectively defrost your freezer:
    use a pan of boiling water on a hot pad.
    Just close the door and go away for 20 minutes - works wonders!
    Regularly defrosting increases efficiency and will make the compressor last longer as well.

This is also a good time to clean out your coolers;
especially if you forgot to leave them cracked open all winter - what's that awful musty smell?

Have a great spring / summer and call me for a taste test when you are going to make that famous potato salad!

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